Tuesday 19 May 2015



During my time in Unit X I have come across a lot of new discoveries that have helped me to see my practice in a different way. I discovered concepts in art that I have grown to admire. I never looked at all the types of art Fine Art could offer because I was too busy with painting and paper cutting art and this unit had helped me to see beyond 'safe' options in art and that art should be very open and 'out of the box'. I was never into performance art at all, but during the workshop planning I was almost pulled into the concept and I started reading up on artists that created such art. Artists such as Jackson Pollock and Naomi Kendrick I had heard of before but never really researched what they did but I really liked their work. 

When we started off we had some ideas about what we wanted to do in our workshop and we made a small mind map of all our ideas together at the school on the last of placement.

(Image above) First ideas of where the workshop started.

The collaborative aspect of this unit is really an eye opener to all kinds of ideas, working with students from different disciplines has helped me see art in a different way even when we were planning in the first stages there were some concepts that I didn't like such as splitting the students up into groups but later on I adapted to the idea and on the workshop day it was one of our strongest points. 

However after planning for the workshop we soon came to a decision that we wanted our workshop to be about mark making and the art of making mistakes and once we had got this idea we all put in our efforts to make this day very eventful and informative. I think our group was really good together and we were able to get everything we needed for the workshop, everyone cooperated with each other and we had all the materials we needed. 

(Image above) Mainly from the morning session.

(Image above) Mainly from afternoon session.

At some points in the day especially in the afternoon when we were experiencing some problems with games structure I felt as though one member kept keeping a distance while the rest of the group was trying to hold it together, no one was assigned to anything in the afternoon except for one member which was for time keeping the rest were meant to be helping with the activities but this member kept their distance. However, we soon resolved the issues and carried on with the activities. If I was to improve on something it would have definitely been the afternoon time management and activity management I feel as though the lack of attention for the afternoon session gave us a poor result. Whereas the morning session went very smoothly and all the activities very greatly time managed and eventful. To improve on this workshop I would suggest we should have had another thorough run through. 

I feel as though our choice in doing this workshop was really great. The materials we provided were good. However, I feel as though some of the students still didn't fully understand the idea of mark making in the sense we wanted them to. I feel as though our research was correct but we could have told the students about it in simpler terms so they understood it better. As far as the mark making tools went the students really enjoyed making the tools and using them the way they liked to. We had made evaluation sheets for them to fill out at the end with the concept "two stars and a wish" meaning two things they liked and one thing they can improve on. after reading the evaluation sheets I realised the students really enjoyed their day although the one negative comment was that the boiler suits were very thin and paint soaked through.

During this unit the key motivation I got was when Claire showed the whole class all the different types of jobs I could go into after I graduate and that it doesn't only have to be teaching Also, the most important was when I worked alongside some of the students to suggest artists and help them manipulate photographs for their sketchbook, I found myself really enjoying myself helping the students with their work. I have always wanted to be a teacher and all aspects of this unit has just motivated me to carry on in the path to become a teacher. 

(Image above) All Unit X group with the students at DACA.

(Image above) Final outcome exhibited at Federation House, Manchester.



After the workshops at DACA done by both of the groups we finalised the idea of hanging up the boiler suits and shirts at the Federation House. However, when we last planned for the exhibition we were told to tell the tutors what we had need and they would prove it for us. But one day before the exhibition we found out that we will not be able to get the vinyl for the lettering and so we had to plan for alternative for the day. Also the evaluation procedure had also changed and instead we had fabric and sharpies for the students and people who have done Unit X to write with.

Federation House
On the day of the exhibition we had gone to the place and had to start making everything we needed from scratch. Anna and Claire were there to help us also. After a few hours of work we finally got the look we wanted and the group agreed with the layout.

(Image above) Different parts of the exhibition.

We left the fabric on a roll with a sign on the wall stating that anyone who has done Unit X can come and write how they found it and roll the fabric down if they need any space. Our unit X group started of writing first so there is something for the viewers to see to motivate them to come and write on the fabric. Also, we had some photos printed of our workshops that we did at DACA on the wall so they could see some visuals of what we had done. 

(Image above) The full exhibition and Federation House.

Even though we had to make some drastic changes to the exhibition because of late notices on some things we all worked as a team to get it all together and the work up on time. I also realised it took longer than we all thought it would take to put this whole exhibition together, but we all made decisions as a team and helped each other which helped us get the exhibition up on time.

Monday 18 May 2015



Our workshop to DACA was about the art of making mistakes and from that finding different ways to mark make. We wanted to teach the students that Art doesn't always have to be objective and to the point but it can be expressive and performative also and that it is okay if faces don't look like face when paining and building are not straight etc. We wanted to get the message across that trying to find 'perfection' when painting isn't always the answer to 'a great piece of work'.

We found out the night before that the usual train we get at 7:30am wasn't going on that day so we had to get an earlier train which was at 6:54am, which meant I had to wake up at 4am to get to the school in time.

Before getting on the train we already had a problem on our hands, one of the members from our group was running late and wasn't going to make the train and that member had all the handouts and presentations with them. Nonetheless the rest of the group got there, unloaded the cars with materials in and started to set up the classroom. Just before 9 o'clock the students had already come in and sat down so we started with the day without the member at first and we introduced ourselves and said a little about our practice and told the students to introduce themselves and say what they like most about art. Thankfully our last group had turned up by the time we finished and we started with our plan and put on the powerpoint while the students sat on the floor and listened. 

It wasn't long till we found out that the late member forgot all the handouts at home and so we had to re print them. Other than this the workshops carried on very well and the students got stuck into making the mark makers and making marks with them on paper with different inks and paints as shown in the images below.

(Images above) Students making the mark makers and using them on the paper to make marks. I along with another group member Heidi got involved with the students.

(Images above) The painting workshop that myself, Celine and Ffion held as our little workshop where we used everyday items such as liquid, flour salt etc to make different textures in paint.

The morning session went tremendously well because we had planned everything down to the minute of lunch and everything was well timed (plan of the day in previous post) and all the activities were carried through good and excepted by the students.

(Images above) the obstacle course and games session in the afternoon.

We had a few problems in the afternoon because even though we had planned the activities for the afternoon we didn't plan the timing well and so some of the games didn't end well whereas some did. In these scenarios most of the group worked together to overcome it and carry on smoothly whereas there was one member who was keeping away from helping us find a solution and when asked why they are not helping replied its not my task when the afternoon was a team task there was no one specifically designated for it. However, we smoothly went onto other activities and took away the minute of dullness with more fun activities such as the obstacle course the students made. It was good to see them all really get involved however at this point the group did think we were running our of stuff to use. 

(Images above) Some feedback forms filled out by students on how they think we performed and how they performed.

Although we did face a few problems the day went really well and the when we did go a little wrong the main point was that the students didn't realise and so they still enjoyed their day. I have also learnt that planning for only one days worth of lessons is so much more harder than I thought and it really does take more than one look over to get things right before we go out to teach it. But if the lesson is taught with confidence then it makes it that bit easier to show the students that the tutor is always right. I have also learnt the importance of team work and how planning a day like this one and executing right would have been near to impossible without team assistance and so this was well done throughout the especially she  we had a few problems we all stuck together.



Before the workshop at DACA our group had a few meetings to discuss and mainly finalise decisions. 

We made finalised what materials we all would need to bring to create the mark makers and also for our subject group work. Also, we thought about how we would get the materials there on the day and thankfully we had two members (Dani and Celine) in our group who came forward and said they would take the materials in their car because they will be driving there on the day. Also we did a little play ourselves as a last practice with the final plan we made for the day. 

(Image above) List of materials we already have and need to buy.

(Image above) Loading one of the cars up with some of the materials on the friday before the workshop.

(Image above) Final plan for the workshop at DACA.

These meetings were the best plan we made as a group because it was good to double check everything and go through the plan once more so we can overcome any problems but thankfully there were no problems while going through it, this gave us some confidence before the workshop day.



In this session both of the groups had to present a 'dry run' of their workshop to to each others group so we can see the high and weak points to be worked on and more importantly Anna and Claire could see how far we have come in terms of planning for the workshop at DACA.

By this session our group had already made a plan and edited it to produce (what we thought to be) a better plan and as far as the group knew we were going to follow that plan (image on the right hand side) for this dry run. 

(Image Above) Before (left side) and after (right side) plan as of this date.

We started off well following the plan and doing what we were assigned to do and for the first hour or two of the plan it was going well an then when the break was given and we came back we had a few glitches with how to put everything out because we hadn't planned that deeply into it and we started to form huddles to discuss while we were doing the dry run but we overcame it after a short while and proceeded with the run, just then one of the students started making up new activities that were not on the plan without warning and so the rest of the group felt confused during that time, these moments happened quite a few times during this dry run and by the same student and I think by this time the audience were able to see that the other students didn't know what was going on and were slightly confused. 

After we had finished our dry run and sat down for feedback we found out that it was very obvious most of us looked confused and so we got quite a lot of feedback as to how we can improve (as shown in the notes below).

(Image above) Notes of the feedback our group got for the dry run.

In this session our group got a sort of 'reality check' and we realised we still have quite a bit of work to do before we carry this out in DACA. We also cleared with that group member that we all must work together and stick to the plan made mutually only then we can achieve the best we can from this workshop.



Although I was already very comfortable with the students on Unit X, now that a few more weeks had passed I was becoming a lot more confident with the students. We made Facebook groups to give out messages and put up notifications and there was instant feedback on the groups which was great for development as of this point we were able to work together even after some 'hiccups' with a few students we still managed to carry on in a good manner taking everyones views into consideration.

During this unit we have had a lot of opportunities to collaborate with students from different disciplines and also in the same disciplinary. Since being at the school for the placement we have two events we need to plan for as a team. This on one side (planning for workshop at DACA) is proving a lot more difficult and on the other side (planning for showcase event) a bit more easier. 
When it came to collaborating for the workshop at DACA my group had some problems at first because one of the members kept changing aspects we had all planned together and make it to fit their ideas which started to cause stress for other members of the group. However, when we all came together to plan for the showcase event, things ran more smoothly and even after all of us giving in our suggestions we got good results without a lot of stress.
Having said this, during these weeks I have gained a lot of knowledge about working collaboratively and how to handle different situations with different people and I think this will help me plan more carefully with the group later on in the project. However, I feel as though if there are changes constantly being made by one member it will become a lot more difficult to execute a full day of workshops and so we must stick to what is being planned as a group.

One of the skills that I have developed during this course was using different materials to make art. During this project without realising I have used a lot of plasticine to make simple 2D objects to semi 3D objects and I started to really enjoy this because I was able to make quick designs and also put more time in and make something more than 2D designs, I have given thought to use clay and ceramics in my practice as working with plasticine has led me to wanting to try a different approach to art making.

(Images above) All artwork made by using plasticine.

The aspects that interest me most about collaborating was that there were always a lot more ideas. If at some point one didn't have ideas (which did happen at some points) another would whiz out another idea very quickly and I thought this way we had a lot of ideas to work with. However, although we had a lot of ideas it was difficult to decide which ones to actually go with and that's when we started to disagree with some aspects. So working in a team is always very rewarding but patience is really the key. 

In Fine Art I had heard and seen a lot of performance art but I didn't pay as much attention because I have always been into either painting or  paper cutting art however, from the research and meetings with students from other areas of art especially Interactive Arts I have started to build an interest of performance art and I would want to incorporate some aspects of performance art in my practice as I think being a Fine Ar student this could be another leap to a better understanding of art. I definitely know that this unit has made me appreciate contextual side to art because in this unit I found myself reading up a lot of things that I tend not to do such as performance art and fashion shows and I really enjoy it because it different and new to me.

After these very eventful and informative weeks I think the only way is to carry on planning meetings and arrange all of us to meet together and get ideas down together and go from there this way we will all be informed about what is going on and we can give in our input. Other than this we have a Facebook group which is proving to be good in terms of people responding so that is another option. But I think meeting as a group to finalise decisions is more needed.



In this session we had a talk from Kate Dunstone about the evaluation side of this project and how we will show this. We started planning how and what we will do and present at Federation House in Manchester as an exhibition. 

(Image above) Notes from the talk by Kate.

After the talk from Kate about what we will have to do as evaluation, we were left as group to decide what we wanted to do on the day with our artwork that will be generated from the workshop at DACA.

(Images above) Mind map of ideas and some decisions.

At this point it was decided we knew what we wanted to do, we were going to display the boiler suits (from workshop on the day) and the shirts from the colour 'fight' along with some photographs in the exhibition and have a place where people can come an share what they enjoyed about Unit X also. 

(Image above) Notes of ideas for the event.

Overall, this session went very well, we all heard gave in our input to what we would like in the exhibition and worked around ideas which are best suited for everybody. It gave us a chance to work as a team and make decisions without having a tutor around. 



I did my micro teaching session on paper cutting art which is what I am working on in my practical in Fine Art. I planned to tell the students in the workshop about where paper cutting art came from, learn the rule of it and finally cut out a paper cut of geometrical shapes. 

(Image above) Shots of the powerpoint presentation I made for the session.

Even though I had made a presentation for this session on the day because I had arrived a few minutes late I wasn't able to check it before I started and so when I came to use it the font had changed due to it not being a common font and all the words were everywhere and so it made it quite difficult to talk about the things I had put on the presentation. Although the presentation didn't quite work out as well as I wanted the rest of the task went quite well the practical side was appreciated and to an extent achieved. 

(Image above) One of the students of Unit X in the process of cutting into the template provided. Photograph taken by Kristian Bird.

While planning for the session I realised I forgot to fill out a lesson plan and this was a major point that I had missed and I feel this may have caused confusion with the students. 

(Images above) Making all the cutouts by hand and making list of what is to be included/done.

(Images above) A few feedback forms filled out by the participants.

Other Sessions
This session also gave us unit X students learn more about each others practice. We all participated in each others sessions and made art related to each others disciplines. 

(Images above) What I had made in the sessions and group work we all did. Photographs taken by Kristian Bird.

During this session I learnt a lot of things about hosting a teaching session. This session didn't go exactly as I had planned it although the learning outcomes were met to some extent I definitely feel as though if I prepared a little more the outcome would have been more better. Having said this if I were to do this workshop again I would really consider firstly getting to the place on time, having a pre made lesson plan, checking if the presentation is running well and also most importantly I would rehearse a lot more before the actual session. After reading some of the feedback I realised if I did plan a little more I would have been able to achieve what I initially planned. But this session has made me become more aware of these pointers for next time. Also, it was also very informative as we were able to find out a lot more about our work out of unit X. I really enjoyed this time to try out different types of art making.



In this session Anna (tutor) gave us some information about our micro teaching session that we will be doing. A micro teaching session is when we do a workshop about our practice on the other Unit X students but for 10 minutes only.

So as a practice, Anna told us to pair up and work with someone to do a very simple one using plasticine. Where we would plan to what we going to do and then make each others made objects. I made a simple flower (images below) and planned it to be 5 minutes long which was short and easy. Soniya (working partner) made the 3D flower piece. 

(Images above) The flowers made by me and Soniya.

The reason why there are three of each object is because we both first made one as an object we were going to show, the second was made to demonstrate to each other how to make it and third is the outcome from trying to make each others objects. We also had a go at making a plan for the short session we did in pairs and then we gave feedback to each other using the feedback forms.

(Images above) Plan for the short making session and feedback from Soniya on making the object I showed.

Overall, this session was good to get us started for the bigger workshop we were going to do and I feel I took some good tips from this short practice and I will be able to apply this to my micro teaching session.

Sunday 17 May 2015



Morning Session
We had a talk by the curriculum leader Jane McFadden, she spoke to us about her experiences in schools and how they carried out activities and what they took into consideration while doing them. She gave us quite a lot of points to look at and take into consideration for when we do our workshop with the students at DACA. I really liked this talk because it led us into see how it would be like being a teacher and organising activities and also the responsibility behind it all. 

(Images above) Notes from the talk by Jane McFadden.

Afternoon Session
In this session we got more points to think about when we present at DACA. It was a lot about confidence and how we put ourselves across to the students and this is an important aspect of teaching.

(Image above) The class was trying out a sitting position known to de-stress when doing other activities.

During this amusing session I learnt a few tips on how I can put myself forward when in front of a class. Claire (our tutor)  showed us all a video clip of Amy Cuddy an American social psychologist, the video was called Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are. It was a very interesting video I think it got the class a little more excited for the workshop coming ahead. I think it was a great way to boost our energy and at the same time tell us how to get through the nerves and from the video is where we got "fake it till you make it" to "fake it till you become it" said by Amy Cuddy. 

(Image above) Notes from the afternoon session.

Overall, this session was interesting and informative for me because it was a way of knowing how to deal with nervous points while teaching and how to overcome it in front of a class. I learnt a lot from this session in terms of teaching and I think these tips will help me now and in the future which is really good. The highlight was the quote I got from the video of Amy Cuddy which was "fake it till you make/become it" I feel as though that will stay with me through all teaching events I do.