Monday, 18 May 2015



In this session both of the groups had to present a 'dry run' of their workshop to to each others group so we can see the high and weak points to be worked on and more importantly Anna and Claire could see how far we have come in terms of planning for the workshop at DACA.

By this session our group had already made a plan and edited it to produce (what we thought to be) a better plan and as far as the group knew we were going to follow that plan (image on the right hand side) for this dry run. 

(Image Above) Before (left side) and after (right side) plan as of this date.

We started off well following the plan and doing what we were assigned to do and for the first hour or two of the plan it was going well an then when the break was given and we came back we had a few glitches with how to put everything out because we hadn't planned that deeply into it and we started to form huddles to discuss while we were doing the dry run but we overcame it after a short while and proceeded with the run, just then one of the students started making up new activities that were not on the plan without warning and so the rest of the group felt confused during that time, these moments happened quite a few times during this dry run and by the same student and I think by this time the audience were able to see that the other students didn't know what was going on and were slightly confused. 

After we had finished our dry run and sat down for feedback we found out that it was very obvious most of us looked confused and so we got quite a lot of feedback as to how we can improve (as shown in the notes below).

(Image above) Notes of the feedback our group got for the dry run.

In this session our group got a sort of 'reality check' and we realised we still have quite a bit of work to do before we carry this out in DACA. We also cleared with that group member that we all must work together and stick to the plan made mutually only then we can achieve the best we can from this workshop.

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