Monday 19 May 2014



During this project I have gained a lot of knowledge and skills about teamwork, collaboration, theory behind different types of artwork and about paper cutting itself.  

I have grown in terms of engaging with other students and their artwork, I realised this when we did the Hey Grrrl! Workshop. This workshop and our group meetings helped our group engage with each other and break out of the silence and speak to each other about our work without feeling shy etc.

In these meetings I discussed my work also and the group helped me come to the decision about with frame and what colour or texture it should be. We all discussed the setting of the place and where our work would go.

During this project teamwork has been an important aspect and I think my team working skills have improved and I have gained more self-confidence to speak up about my work and contribute in the meetings.

If I were to carry out this project again I would change the subject but carry on with papercutting. I think I rushed a few steps in this project and didn’t give myself enough time to reconsider some aspects of my project for example, the places I chose and how they would look as a paper-cut. I thought of this idea and went with it forgetting to explore more in depth, so if I were to change an aspect of this project it would be the subject matter. Also, I would change the size of the piece.

When I first started this project I shared some of my ideas with my peers and we discussed some aspects I could include or take out. By speaking to my peers I came to the conclusion of layering the papercuts because this way it could show a journey through each layer.

In future I would research more into the subject and the technique. I think papercutting art has a lot to offer and I would definitely want expand on this technique. This project has acted as a practice for the future, I have developed many ideas I have had and some have failed and some have not. Paper cutting has been very rewarding for me and I will carry on doing this more. 

Final Piece with frame.

Sunday 18 May 2014



Getting Place Ready

 This was the building where the exhibition was held known as the New Century Hall. The first year Fine Art, Film and Photography students were given the 3rd floor to put their work up in.

When we got there, as a group we decided where our work was going to go and began putting our work up. 

Putting Up Work

I am getting my work ready to be put up. I put double sided sticky thick foam on to the frame. I put a lot of them on as shown above because I needed it to be firm and strong enough to hold it.

After I had put the foam pieces on I stuck it on the board where my work was to be placed. 

Where my work was put up. Under my work was work by Samantha Evans. 


I had to make some changes to the presentation of my work. On the day of the exhibition I found out that my frame had fallen and broke. So I had to go back and put it back up. With the help of our tutor I had put it back up in time and also added my statement next to it. This design was chosen by the group, we all liked the idea of printing statements and names on acetate. These were printed by Emily Buckley-Jones.

The borders were taped of with brown tape to maintain neat edges.

After all the hurdles and stressful days of planning, the exhibition went really well and was appreciated by many people.