Sunday 18 May 2014



Becca Halliwell-Sutton hosted this event. Photography was by Alexandra-Violet Saunders. Advertising posters created by Becca Halliwell-Sutton.

This workshop gave an opportunity to all the students to get to know each other and do some collaborative work together. This was a part of Becca’s work that would all come together by the end of the workshop. By feeding in what we thought about this subject matter she would build up her final piece.

Poster for the Event 

In this event we discussed Gender Equality and Feminism. First there was a presentation shown to everyone filled with a video and images of how differences in gender are shown nowadays in adverts and magazines. Then, we all had a choice of making either a collage or a mini zine based on feminism/gender equality.

This event interested me a lot because it gave me the chance to meet other people on my course and also make a collage. I have done collaging before but this time there was a strong subject to work with and also discuss with others, which made it fun and exciting.

Collage I made in this workshop

My poster was about a simple gesture. A smile. I had seen so many magazines lately where women are just posing because they are told to. So I wanted to broadcast this message, that the secret is to smile and that it isn’t always about beauty with make up but beauty with a smile.

 I'm holding my poster

After these zines and collages were done we all took photographs with our pieces and then handed them in which would all be put together into a book as part of Becca’s final piece in the exhibition.  

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