Friday 27 March 2015



The second day of working in DACA was a lot more interesting, in the morning session I along with 3 other girls on my course got the opportunity to work with a student to 'destroy' artwork which was apart of their work as the student was looking at art history and the way some artwork becomes artwork after it is 'destroyed'. In the afternoon session I had the opportunity to work with three photography students and help them with sketchbook work and how they could make it look more interesting and so I showed them a few ways they could manipulate photographs for different effects.

Morning Session
In the morning session 4 students including myself had the opportunity to get involved with one of the students work. An A Level student asked if we would help him in 'destroying his work' as part of his art piece. He first asked us what we think art is and what it means to us, he recorded our response on camera. We then started to 'destroy' his artwork as shown in the images below.

(Images above) I along with other students in the process of destroying artwork.

(Images above) The start to the outcome of destroying the art piece.

I really enjoyed doing this and it was a great experience to what I normally do at uni also. Being a Fine Art student I never really indulged in trying different type of art and after this experience I really feel i can take from this and try this out in my own practice. Also, it was a great collaborative aspect that I could take from this experience, I think this task gave me the opportunity to learn more about this type of art and doing it with students from different disciplines made it more enjoyable and helped us share ideas with each other to get the final outcome.

Afternoon Session
In the afternoon session I worked with three photography students on their sketchbooks and helped them add more to it. I taught the students how to manipulate photographs to get different effects and then work into them further. We used image maker, sellotape and candle was to make some of the photographs they had taken look more interesting. I felt very good in this session because I once learnt all these techniques in college and it felt nice to teach other students the same techniques so i really enjoyed this session.

(Images above) Students working on their photographs and the outcome of the ones I did to demonstrate.

(Image above) Notes from the day and visitor badge for the day.

Overall, this day was very eventful and I learnt a few things about teaching and my own practice from the students and the tutors over at the school. I realised the skills we learn can always be taught to other to make bigger and better things and i really enjoyed that I was able to work with a small group and 'show off' what I knew and teach them at the same time. During this day i was able to work both collaboratively and on my own and I feel I got to learn a lot from this day in both aspects.

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