Friday 27 March 2015



During my time at the school I have gained many skills and techniques, I had the chance to talk to many students and share a few ways in which they could improve their sketchbook work and go beyond that and show them some practical ways to improve their sketchbook such as showing some A Level students how to manipulate photographs using image maker, candle wax and many other materials. I was also surprised at how many artists I actually remembered while I was at the school because I found myself suggesting artists on the go to mainly A Level students to add into their sketchbooks as research. 

The one aspect I thought I would take some time to get used was that all of us students in the Unit X group are from different courses (Fine Art, Textiles, Interactive Arts and Graphic Design) and so I thought I may find it to be a bit harder to communicate and speak out. However, that was not the case at all if anything I really enjoyed everyone being from different disciplines because it gave me opportunity to learn from the them at the school and in the sessions at university.

I felt coming from a Fine Art discipline I had researched many times on the topic of 'destroying' art for it to become art. I related most with this task that we had done with one of the A Level students where he gave us an already painted canvas and told us to do what ever we want with it and just gave us full control while he had filmed our reaction to this as part of his project. As shown in the images below we ended up splashing paint, making hand prints, dripping paint and eventually cutting the piece of its canvas. I really enjoyed this experience and I thought it gave me more insight into this type of art.

(Images above) Outcome of a students project based on ruin. This was done by me and 3 other students on Unit X.

(Image above) I showed three A Level students how to manipulate photographs for their sketchbooks. This is them doing the image maker effect.

One of the key processes I really enjoyed was teaching the A Level students how to minipulate photographs as part of their sketchbook research work. I felt really connected to this idea because I had learnt these techniques back in college also and I still remember them, doing this mini tutorial with them made me happy because I had taught them all very new techniques and now they could use these skills in their artwork now and in future. This session gave me a bigger insight into how teaching in the future may be and I thought doing this session with the A Level students also made me come out with my knowledge and use it for the benefit because I also found myself suggesting many artists on the go in this session (and other sessions).

(Images above) I was working alongside two students in the year 8 students and helping them with Tie Dye.

Tie dye with the year 8 class was very interesting in that I had done the dye before but not for a while and so I kind of forgot how to do it. At this point in this class there were around ten of us from the Unit X group and most of us from textiles course, this proved to be really great because they gave a helping hand to those of us with less knowledge about tie dye and I thought this was a lovely experience because in this class was the first time we all worked as a team and it proved to be one of my favourite lessons because there was teamwork and a lot of activity going on which kept the atmosphere very nice. As shown in the images above the girls I had worked with chose to go with a spiral design and I thought the outcome was quite impressive. I feel after shadowing and teaching in this class I would want to carry out tie dye in my own practice and explore more into this subject because I feel I can create quite amazing outcomes from simple strategies.

Overall, I thought these first three weeks were very helpful and insightful and I am very happy with the skills and knowledge I have gained. The experience in working in a school at first made me very nervous but now I have come to realise that I am very happy I took this option. 

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