Friday 27 March 2015



This session was an introduction to how we will document what we are doing, getting our timetable for the placement, recapping what we did in the art therapy session and what we think we got out of it and a workshop about type of blogs and questions from learning outcomes. 

After an introduction we were told to write our thoughts down about the Art Therapy session and what we got out of it. I really liked the art therapy session because it was insightful and we got to engage in activities as a group. I have added an image (as shown below) of the thoughts I had from the session. 

(Images above) Notes from the full session.

We got told to pair up and make a list of the things we think makes a terrible blog. We came up with quite a few points as show in the list below.

(Images above) List and mind map of what makes a good and terrible blog.

I think this task was quite useful and gave an insight into what we should and should not include. Also, this activity indirectly helped us all talk with each other and break out of our comfort zones and work with different people and I really enjoyed this aspect. We then had a look at the Blog details and the requirements we need to meet for this project and make up some questions (based on the learning outcomes) in our groups and answer them (shown in the images above).

Before this session I was very nervous about the placement and I think more about the journey but after the session I had felt more relieved and also felt more confident in starting at the school with good thoughts. Also, I liked the way Anna (tutor) went through everything slowly and also at the end of each activity we had a review session and I always find these helpful especially when I look back at them I can read my exact thoughts at the time. 

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