Friday 27 March 2015



On the sixth and last day of placement (before workshop day) at DACA in the morning session I was working with year 8 Textiles class and the students from Unit X were again assigned to two students each to work with them on their project on making a drawstring bag with tie dye effects and in the afternoon session we didn't have any lessons, the Unit X group sat down with Louise (tutor and our mentor) and spoke about our ideas for the upcoming workshop.

Morning Session
In the morning session I was with the year 8 textiles class, it was a great start to the day because everyone was ready to start and there was a good atmosphere around the class. The unit X group were assigned to two students to help them with their work. I helped the students I was working with cut letters out of fabric and get their designs ready for their drawstring bag after the tie dye they were going to attach them. 

(Image above) Students using fabric provided to cut out patterns for the bags and the fabric I cut out with 's' on.

After a while the class were shown different patterns that they could make their tie dye off, both of the students I was working with went with a spiral design.

 (Images above) The process of tie dye and the after effect on the fabric.

Afternoon Session 
In the afternoon we had no lessons instead we all sat down with Louise and had a quick recap of the days we have been in the school, what we enjoyed and disliked etc. Then we were told to start thinking about what we want to do the workshop on when we come back. Firstly, we were put into two groups and then we started planning from there on.

(Image above) First few ideas for workshop.

(Image above) Notes from the day and visitor badge from the day.

Overall, I gained new skills during today because I hadn't done tie dye before and so some of the textiles students from Unit X gave me some pointers which I then passed on the students I was working with. The morning session helped all the students even in unit X collaborate together to get results and I really enjoyed this aspect of the lesson. We also knew which groups we were going to be working with for next few weeks to plan for the workshop.

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