Friday 27 March 2015



On the third day of placement I was shadowing classes that weren't based in the art department. I had year 8 Design & Technology group for the morning sessions and in the afternoon I was shadowing year 8 Maths group. 

Morning Session
In the morning session I was shadowing a double lesson of year 8 Design and Technology. During the first session the students made some light boxes to use to witness the solar eclipse the next day, every student had made these because they were going to watch the eclipse together the next day. To make this task a little bit more interesting the tutor had told them how another class had made very funny looking ones and this class should try and make theirs look better. The students got stuck into making and rightly followed what the tutor had said and made the light boxes look very interesting. 

(Image above) Light boxes made by the Year 8 Design and Technology group.

I learnt quite a few teaching techniques during this class by observing the tutor and how she spoke and demonstrated certain aspects. The first session went by very calmly and the students followed everything the tutor said without trouble.

In the second session the students went back to what they were previously working on which was making speakers. 

(Image above) Students in the process of making speakers and an example of how a finished one will look.

The class were well behaved in general in the first session and so the tutor spoke in a calm voice and the students responded in a good manner. However, in the second session at some points when she wanted their attention it took a few calls to get it and then she started with raising her voice and they responded very quickly, the next stage when asked would have been to tell them that they will lose time of lunch but it didn't come to that.

Afternoon Session
I was working with year 8 Maths class, it was a very small group and later I was told that it was a bottom set. During this session there were a lot of distributions made by the students. After looking at the work they were set I realised it was made very simple for them yet some students did make a lot of effort to disrupt the class. One of the students used strong language when talking to another student, at this point the tutor had become very cross and she did shout at the student and moved the student to another seat in the room. During this session I got a scoop of how it is like to teach students with behavioural issues because they were doing the work but they made a lot of effort to cause problems in the classroom. The tutor tackled the problem calmly at first by saying they would lose lunchtime the next day and this worked for some time, but then when they carried on they were told that if the bad behaviour carried on they would be sent to the head teacher and get a call home. From this point onwards the students did calm down and although there were a few small distractions they soon calmed down fully. So this session taught me how to manage children with behavioural issues and how i could get around this.

(Images above) Notes from the day and visitor badge for the day.

Overall, I thought it was a good change away from the art department and I learnt different teaching techniques during these lessons by watching the tutors and how the students responded to what is being said. I got involved in the design and technology group in the morning and the students were very welcoming and told me and their projects and what they had been doing during the year so I found that really nice because i was able to interact with students. However, in the Maths lesson I wasn't able to interact as much but both of these sessions taught me different ways to teach a well behaved group and a group with more behavioural problems and so I thought this day was very eventful and informative.

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