Friday 27 March 2015



A special needs school head teacher came in to talk to about how it is like working with people with learning difficulties. Our tutor had put in an exercise for us to do while listening to the talk, we had to create something while listening to the talk.

I started to create something with plasticine during the talk, I didn't know what to make so I started off making a simple flower and then working on it from there.

(Image above) Flower I created during the talk by the Head Teacher.

The Head teacher spoke a lot about Autism and its side affects (notes below). 

(Image above) Notes from the talk.

Overall, this session helped me realise firstly, how difficult it can be for some people in the world to do the most simple tasks and also as an aspiring teacher I learnt that there are many different ways to teach children that are less abled and give them the space they need to complete some tasks.

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